Crimes against humanity
Severe sexual abuse of children, trafficking, slavery, forced disappearance of children, denial of basic human rights such as freedom of speech and movement as well as food, water, and education
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Verified testimonies from real victims of the Children of God cult
V. I was also sent off to a "bad apple" camp with complete strangers and processed like a prisoner when I was only 12 Yr old... I was sleeping on a bare concrete floor, eating sparsely and poorly, beaten, molested, raped, and abused within that environment but had no one to share with as had long ago learnt not to trust someone
V. I was on silence restriction for a month, no proper meals... Bread and water only, beatings with belt or whatever else he could find every hour or so, and no eye/body or verbal contact
V. Outside of that I watched my mum fucking an uncle that raped me, also watched my younger brother having a full on seizure and it being treated as demon possession... E. G. Pin him down and beat it out of him
Victim Testimonies and punishments
J. M
My Mom was battling brain cancer, and leadership decided she was demon possessed because of seizures and pained outbursts.
They would perform 'exorcisms' on her while she'd be in a thrawl. She had no pain meds. Anyone entering the final stage of brain cancer without pain management would look possessed.
They worked her to the bone. Once she went blind for about a half hour while we were doing laundry. I helped her to her room and got her some water in secret. She was so afraid that an adult would find out. As soon as her sight came back, she got right back to work like nothing.
When she finally found out what her issue was she went to the USA for treatment, and they wouldn't let her take me with her. I never saw her again.
The day they informed me of her death, they handed me a stack of all the letters I wrote her. They were never sent.
I could go on about my personal abuses, of which there were many.
But none of the physical abuses I went through cut me as deep or hit me as hard as the way I watched my Mother suffer.
I personally don't want her story to be covered up, IMO everyone should know what they did to her.
M J .U
Soap in your mouth & standing in the corner memorizing 10 verses from the Bible for an hour.
When I was 5 in Peru we weren't allowed to use the bathroom after bedtime at 8.30. Any child in the bedroom caught going to the toilet after that time got a spank. We all went to the bathroom at the last call. I remember waking up to a little girl wanting to sleep in my bed because she peed hers and then we also had to keep that a secret from the angry teacher that would walk in that morning.
I do remember the bathroom curfew. I remember a few times being able to successfully sneak out to the bathroom in the middle of the night. But there was this other kid in my class that was dragged out of the room and beaten almost every night for wetting his bed.
Heads being cracked with knuckles, two heads being knocked together I got concussions so many times, beaten with a garden pipe on my back, beaten with bamboo sticks, cricket bats and various paddles, whipped with belts, hair pulled out by the roots, forced to stand on tippy toes whilst ear was yanked upwards, open handed slaps across the face, denied water after getouts, washing doodoo cloth diapers, scrubbing floors with a toothbrush, made to run laps in +40 Celsius weather for 45 minutes nonstop, getting kneed in the back for having bad posture, silence restrictions and solitary confinement that would last 2 weeks, a week break and another 2 weeks.
My personal favorite was in Wetzikon, We were forced to drink a huge glass of water at lunch time and then immediate naptime afterwards, Downstairs was only one toilet for god knows how many children. Point being if you didn't pee before naptime you had to hold it in for a full two hours. I literally peed myself from pain after holding it until I thought my bladder was going to explode and crying and shaking in pain and fear. If I wet the bed I had to: Tear everything off, flip the mattress over and remake the bed, write out a bible verse about disobedience 100 times during PE and get a spanking of at least five swats. I have bladder problems to this day because of that
Soap in mouth, slapped on finger tips with rulers, being made to hold heavy books in each palm with your arms outstretched for long periods of time and if your muscles fatigued and you happened to drop your arm lower than 90 degrees you would get a spanking. I also got slapped in the mouth once by a rando Uncle because I was singing a Christian song that wasn't "written by the Family". He said it was systemite music and I shouldn't sing such filth. I was so confused because I was literally singing about Jesus. Fuckin spaz!
And of course all the usual corporal punishments and restrictions experienced by everyone else, bathroom, silence, food etc.
Mouth being taped shut. And of course refusal of access to medical care which I'm sure everyone experienced. Had pretty much every childhood disease known to man and the only treatment I ever received was aspirin, anointing with oil and prayers. Just go lucky that I didn't die tbh since some of them were potentially lethal illnesses. I'm legally blind in one eye because of an untreated eye infection. Fractured my right wrist as a kid and nobody would listen to me when I told them I was in pain. Finally they listened when all my school work looked like shit because I had to write with my left hand bc I couldn't even hold a pencil with my right. These kinds of things always happened because of caregivers and my parents had no clue because they were always absent "raising money and winning souls for the Lord".
A 12 year old shaved his head and his dad got so mad he locked him in his room for 6 weeks. Guy had to pee in a bucket and wasn't even let out for meals.
Same dad repeatedly slapped his 13 year old daughter so hard her nose started bleeding
All of us had our mouth washed out with soap to the point with soap bars pushed down our throat to the points where we were vomiting
They used to do rounds of spankings. So you would get round one and line back up until the shepherd was done. I remember waiting in line for a spanking and that was bad enough as a child
M L.
Having to wear wet underwear from bed wetting on your head. Not me personally but my little brother did
C. W. I remember feeling scared and sorry for my friends when they were put on silence restriction.
J M. Silence restriction was a terrible punishment. Whether it was me or my friends on it.
The worst however, was when they would put my Mother on silence restriction
and many other things that were "experimental punishments"
J.M. Yes.
M.C Yes, I am still traumatized by the memory of my mom crying.
J. G. I was on it constantly! It was horrible and humiliating!
J R.J My little sister was on silence restriction for a month, not allowed to eat, they wouldn’t allow me to see her, I was about 14 and she was 11 in one of the school homes. My mom was made to live with another guy as her “husband” for 6 months at the Jumbo for being a rebellious wife and refusing to share (forced sex with other adults)
J. L. J Yeah the PI Jumbo was really fucked up. In so many ways...there were many very young teenagers who were on silence restriction for months on end. I lived there for 6 months in 1989. I was relieved to get out of there.
J R J - J. L. J. yeah my whole family was there probably around that time, i don’t remember what year tho. It was just fucked up
A.A. The more top leaders, the more fucked up things were. If things were too normal, they brought in leaders to fuck things up.
J L F The jumbo was the worst in so many ways. The only good thing about it from my perspective was the no sex for teenagers rule. It was the first place I lived where I WASN'T on the adult sharing schedule. (children were forced in many communes to “share” - have sex with adult men) I was 12-14 and I didn't miss that one bit. But other than that, it was horrid. Cruel and unusual punishment for sure!
Susan Chaplin Who was in charge there?
Susan Chaplin at the jumbo? There was a lot of different leaders but I remember mark I think was in charge. I'm not sure though. The teen girls were shepherded by Auntie Anna and Auntie Joan. Joan was a psycho bitch from hell.
S. C. So sorry!
A.A. to J L F
Psycho bitch from hell describes a lot of TFI leadership :(
Marc & Serena come from the P.I. jumbo to Mexico and spread the same torture there. Tore families apart and inflicted pain and suffering on innocent young teens.
A. A.
In the letters to Juan, Abby and Dust, Zerby sent them to S America to train a new crew of abusers. I was lucky enough not to have been sent to a training home as I was a rank and file lowlife at the time but the newly trained "shepherds" brought hell on earth
J. L F. to J.M
I'm so sorry, they were the some of the worst
J.M Thanks and yes they were,I experienced it first hand in the PI. Terrible. I feel for anyone who was shepherded by them
A.A Wasn't Abby, ex of Steve Kelly (P Amsterdam) the one who opened up the Jumbo? She later came to Argentina to fuck thigs up.
J.L.F. to A A
Probably right, I'm not sure though. I'm sorry you had to deal with that
A.A. We all went through similar levels of torture. I never though of it as torture before but TFI training wa indoctrination via mental and physical torture.
A.A. They called it humility training which is a euphemism for total humiliation. There were some BDSM bottoms who loved it. I hated it. I still do. I don't like being told what to do or how to do it. Lol
J.L F to A.A.
Yep that pretty much sums it up. They asked me when I did some interviews, "when did you realize you had been abused?" I didn't realize it until I had a complete psychotic break and went to counseling in 2010 or 2011. Over ten years after I left.
One "auntie" flipped the sign around, wore it on her butt & wrote "kiss my ass". She was our hero.
J.L F. to S.V.B
That's gutsy lol, I’m surprised she didn't get publicly boarded or something, good for her though!
I remember she "moved" shortly after that. I'm guessing she left or got excommunicated. A welcome "punishment"
J.L F. I was on silence restriction at the jumbo It was so traumatizing to me that I blocked out the whole thing. Sad.
Victoria Jones My sister and two other girls got this punishment for a month maybe (along with regular spanking and prayer sessions) for trying to run away from the home. Think they got to the end of the driveway then came back.
Talitha Giusti I was put on silence restriction because everyone else in my group was.
D.K. Silence restriction with a big fat sign written in a black sharpie pen followed up by a public spanking with my panties around my ankles bent over in front of everybody while I was struggling with puberty